Sunday, September 11, 2011

Mid-Semester Test Paper Discussion: Software Engineering & Management

Hi MSSS-Aspirants,

Below is the Mid-Semester Test Paper Discussion for Software Engineering & Management.

Total Time: 120 minutes
Total Marks: 30 (30% of the total semester marks weightage)

Discuss software engineering code of ethics , with suitable example. --- 5 Marks.


Suggest four reasons why the productivity rate of programmers working as a pair might be more that half of the two programmers working individually. --- 4 Marks.


Discuss and explain Build and Fix Model, with their merits and demerits. --- 4 Marks.


Discuss and explain with an example of Evolutionary, Parallel, Iterative and Linear process flow. --- 4 Marks.


Question-4-a: Specify which of the following decisions were made during requirements or system design:
Question-4-a-i: The ticket distributor is composed of a user interface subsystem, a subsystem for computing tariff, and a network subsystem managing communication with the central computer.


Question-4-a-ii: The ticket distributor will use PowerPC processor chips.


Question-4-a-iii: The ticket distributor provides the traveler with an on-line help.


Question-4-b: Draw a use case diagram for a ticket distributor for a train system. The system includes two actors: a traveler, who purchases different types of tickets, and a central computer system, which maintains a reference database for the tariff.
Use cases should include: BuyOneWayTicket, BuyWeeklyCard, BuyMonthlyCard, UpdateTariff. Also include the following exceptional cases: Time-out (i.e. traveler took too long to insert the right amount), Transaction Aborted (i.e. traveler selected the cancel button without completing the transaction), DistributorOutOfChange and DistributorOutOfPaper. --- 5 Marks.


Question-5: In the context of iterative development, describe the following concepts in no more than three lines for each:
Question-5-i: Iteration (what are the objectives of iteration? What is the outcome of an iteration? What is time-boxing?).


Question-5-ii: Critical use-cases.


Question-5-iii: Incremental development.


Question-5-iv: How does the Unified Software Development Process (UP) explicitly address critical use-cases?


Question-5-v: What are the functional and non-functional requirements and how can the use-case model be utilized to capture any of these?


Answers to be updated after the discussion!

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