Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Second Semester Subjects

Hi MSSS Aspirants,

The subjects for the second semester are:

  1. Advanced Operating Systems
    • To introduce the design and implementation issues of Distributed Operating Systems. 
  2. Database Systems & Applications
    • Aims at familiarizing the students with the concepts of DBMS and its applications. 
  3. Network Security
    • The course covers fundamental aspects of security in a modern networked environment with the focus on system design aspects and cryptography in the specific context of network / internetwork security. 
  4. Software For Embedded Systems
    • The course will review basics of embedded and real-time systems and generic software processes. 

Best Wishes!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Second Semester Duration

Hi MSSS Aspirants,

Keeping it short, BITS-Pilani has declared that the semester starts on 2nd January 2012 and ends on 8th April 2012. A duration on 3 months including the exams.

Students need to keep their eyes open and minds running as just within 3 months, the semester is going to end with mid-semester exams on 11-12 Feb and Comprehensive Exams on  7-8 Apr.

Best Wishes!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

WILP Website Link Has Changed!

Hi MSSS Aspirants,

From few days, one might have faced difficulty in opening the WILP website. It is because the website link has been changed.

Old Link:
New Link:

Those who had bookmarked the above website link, have to modify the URL.

Best Wishes,

Second Semester Starts With The New Year 2012

Hi MSSS Aspirants,

At last, after a gap of 2 full months of November and December 2011, the second semester commences from 2nd January 2012.

So, lets start the new year with the new semester and new subjects. But for that, lets buy the books first ;)

Next article will contain information about the second semester subjects!

Best Wishes!!

Netbanking Is Enabled For Fee Payment!!

Hi MSSS Aspirants,

What a relief from the hassles of visiting bank and standing in line for Demand Draft for the payment of fees for the next semester registration.

Now the payment can be done through Netbanking and the complete process takes less than 5 minutes!!! Thanks BITS for enabling and making it easy for all the students!

Best Wishes,

Sunday, December 18, 2011

First Semester Results Are Out!!!

Hi MSSS Aspirants,

First Semester Results are out!! Hurray!! Yipeee!! After a long wait of 45 days! 16th December 2011. Need to send the registration form with paid fees receipt on or before 30th Dec 2011.

Best Wishes,